How confident are you about how you show up?
Taking the Energy Leadership Index (ELI) assessment reveals how you show up on a day to day basis and how that shifts when you are under stress. The ELI assessment has 7 levels of energy that reveal where you are focused energetically.
Everyone has some energy within each of the 7 levels. Each level has an impact on the other levels by energy interplay. The energy is based on past or present situations that are impacting how you are reacting in the moment. Unlike other assessments, the ELI is an attitudinal assessment, focused on an energy/action model. The ELI measures your energy based on your attitude or perception, in that moment, as to how you view the world. Because attitude is subjective, it can be changed! By working with a Energy Leadership Master Practitioner coach, you can make a shift in your consciousness and increase your energy. Our goal is to help you increase your anabolic energy, which is expanding, fueling and growth oriented.
Additionally, we work with you to identify the catabolic thoughts from your past, which are draining and resisting your energy and help you to shift to the present and see things through a different lens.
As a leader, being conscious of how you are perceived and how you are showing up energetically is critical as your actions impact your team and your organization.
What are your blind spots? What are your areas of untapped potential? How can you increase your energy to be more productive, more inspiring and more aware of stress trigger points in order to manage it in a healthy and constructive manner.
These are areas you and your coach will focus on to achieve optimum results.